National Business Plan Month is here again

It is that time of year again, the last month of the last quarter, and time to start thinking ahead to the new year. And as it so happens December is also National Business Plan Month. Here is a refresher on this for 2018. Business Plans for Small Businesses Every small business should have a…

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Pressure Washing Purchasing Guide

Pressure Washing Purchasing Guide in Atlanta If you’ve discovered this blog, you’re seriously considering making your cleaning jobs faster, easier, and more efficient. The following pressure washer purchasing guide will lay out the specs, versatility, and applications of the pressure washer, giving you the information you need to make your purchase decision. The following guide…

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Creating a Customer Packet

You can create several different customer document packets for customers; Intro packets, and Commercial job packets, but the one I feel is a must for the residential contractor is the “Thank you for scheduling” packet. So why make and send a “Thank you for scheduling” packet? Sounds strange but sending your first time or even…

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Plan Now For Your Business’s Future After You Are Gone

Although when you first start a business this may be the furthest thing from your mind, but what would happen if you suddenly died? Or even if you were injured and you were no longer able to work your business? What would happen to your family and their source of income? Who would step in…

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Diamond Springs Water Case Study

A customer had contacted us looking for a cleaner/wax to clean their delivery trucks. Later, they were still having what they were calling an issue to remove greasy fingerprints on their delivery trucks. But after finally asking for photos the true issue became clear. Challenges Diamond Springs Water, a spring water company, was having cleaning…

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New Products This Year

Here at GCE, we have several new products already here or that will be coming soon. First, by customer request, we added these first three products in January; “Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner”. So far we will have this in gallons only unless we get more requests for it in 5 gallons. The price per gallon is $20.00.…

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How to Use a Spill Kit

This is the last of my series on Spill Kits. I have told you why you need one, and how to put together one yourself and now we get to the part of actually using them. Here are the steps you need to take when you see or are made aware of a chemical spill:…

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How to Put Together a Chemical Spill Kit

Any contractor that works with and transports hazardous chemicals needs to also have with each vehicle that contains these hazardous chemicals a chemical spill kit to comply with OSHA standards. Most contractors are unaware that they need to have or how to use a spill kit. Just like many do not have or carry fire…

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What are Spill Kits?

For my next safety blog to start the new year I will talk about needing and then making a spill kit. I have been asked many times by contractors, “Do I really need a spill kit? I one word, Yes. OSHA requries you as a contractor working out in the public to be responsible for…

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Build your own First Aid Kit

At the beginning of a new year is a great time to go over equipment and safety items to be sure things will stay working right and that you will have what you need when that need arises. So with that in mind for the next few weeks I will be going over these types of…

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