It’s Winter, So Let’s Talk About Deicers

Many of you work through the Winter months and therefore you are working outside with water in the cold that can freeze into ice. So at some point, you are going to have to face the issue of having ice in and around your work areas even when using hot water machines. To counter the…

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5 Ways to Start the New Year Off Right

Many people start each year off with a New Year’s resolution, but why don’t you start your year off with 5, and I promise, if you stick with even 2 or 3 throughout the entire year, your business will be up too. 1. Keep a calendar or planner with everything you need to do and…

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How to Reflect On This Year’s Business

I wrote this blog post four years ago but I thought I should bring it out again with a little updating as well. Here are ways to look back at the end of the year and set up to do in the new year to focus on the positive and hopefully change any negatives to…

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PWNA 2014

Although it was a little later in the year for the annual Power Washers of North America convention, so that it could consider with CETA in Orlando, FL, it was a good event.   We again were a sponsor, an exhibitor and this year a speaker for not one but two breakout classes. This year…

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Bio Barrier and the Competition

We have a great product, Bio Barrier that I have written about before. But with so many new products coming out onto the market now I wanted to explain again how Bio Barrier works and to list and compare these others as well. Just as with soaps, there will be a number of products that…

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How To Clean Dryvit Coated Buildings

I have gotten or seen this question asked more than a few times so I wanted to post for you this information I found. Dryvit is described as a textured acrylic finish and as such is a very sensitive product. It is recommended by the manufacturer to have periodic cleanings to keep the surface in…

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Do Your Services Require Sales Tax?

Sales tax is one of the largest sources of state revenue and with state and local governments struggling to fill cash flow gaps during a down economy they are voting in increases not only on goods but on services that are to be subject to sales tax. There’s truly a hodgepodge of laws and taxing…

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Local show a success for the UAMCC here in Atlanta

The UAMCC event that Soap Warehouse helped sponsor was greatly received and a real success. We had expected to have just under 30 attendees but with last minute additions we had 34 even with a few no shows and we did have a couple that could not stay with us the entire day. We started…

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PWRA and WCRA was a great event.

We just finished the PWRA/WCRA convention in Nashville, TN August 8and 9th held at the Gaylord Opryland Resort. We had a great turn out at our booth. There were over 300 attendees and 30 vendors that exhibited. We sold sample size quarts of many of our favorite exterior products and had a drawing for two…

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UAMCC NCE Cleaning Expo in Orlando

This is the season for cleaning industry trade shows. This past week Soap Warehouse was a sponsor of another of the UAMCC’s events. This one was the big National East event that was held Aug 1&2 in Orlando, Florida. Even though we could not be there we are a sponsor and we did send two…

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