Is Brown Derby Cleaner EPA Approved for Run Off?

This was a long tail phrase someone put to the Bing search engine on 2/6/14 at 12:46 p.m. that was directed to our site. And it was a very good question, and one we get a lot, so I thought I would do a blog post to answer it. The answer unfortunately is not just…

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Fleet Truck Wash Savings

This can mean many things to different people. To a trucker, it may just mean where can he find the cheapest truck wash, but to the mobile fleet truck washer, it may mean a few other things. The least expensive cost per wash The least expensive soap The lowest labor cost per wash The shortest…

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Mid America Trucking Show 2012

It was another great show this year in Louisville, KY. We again were a sponsor of Big Rig Networks MATS 2012 Sweepstakes. Our first winner on Friday of 5 gallons of product was Keith Sermon from Louisville, KY who is a driver for Landstar. Then on Saturday winning 5 gallons of truck wash was Chris…

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Asking Brown Derby Users for Feedback

We are starting out November by asking the users of our most popular truck wash product “Brown Derby” to send us comments, testimonials, before and after photos, results you made happen for your clients and even video clips telling us what you like about using Brown Derby. As appreciation for the responses, we will offer…

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Great American Trucking Show 2011

GATS as is it more affectionately known, has come and gone for another year. This past week in Dallas TX, truckers and trucking enthusiasts came to see what was new in the industry, look at cool decked-out trucks, and listen to country music singer and songwriter Jamey Johnson perform. GATS East is one of the…

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Another Great Year at MATS!

We spent this past week in Louisville, KY at the Mid-America Trucking Show. Our booth 62124 in the West Wing at MATS (Mid America Trucking Show) We had over 1000 attendees stop at our booth during the three-day event. We had 6 winners of 5 gallons of our Big Rig Brite truck wash, 18 winners…

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