New Markets via Social Media Inbounding

Finding new ways to market your business without breaking the bank is one goal almost every small business owner wants to find. During this month I plan to give you some suggestions, links to resources, and hard facts to try and help you reach this goal. Social Media is the new way to reach old…

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How Professional Videos Can Benefit Your Business

Hopefully, you have had a chance to view our newest video for our new graffiti remover Blast Off. The company that made that video for us is iMotion. If you think that video was hard for us or expensive to make, think again. Learn what we did earlier this year by downloading this PDF and action…

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Soap Warehouse even ships to the Bahamas.

As some of you may know Soap Warehouse sells products across the US but we also sell to customers in places like Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas. So far we only have a few customers in these places and we sell only a few things like airplane cleaner, house and car washes. So…

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Be One Percent Better than the Competition

I just read some very interesting but true advice I would like to pass on to you. It is better to be just 1% better for 100 reasons than to be 100% better for only 1. If you take that philosophy with your business you will see that even little changes make a big difference.…

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Getting the Right Business Exposure

This is a list I got from Entrepreneur magazine a while ago. Top 11 things to get exposure for your business #11. Be reachable – Have a clear and concise business card. Have a press contact listed on your website that can answer questions and be reached on the first call. #10. Get online –…

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Post cards to generate business.

Next to business cards post cards can be money well spent it just depends on how you use them. Spending hundreds on bulk mailings in mailers or on post cards can be great for the large companies that are building and maintaining name recognition, but for the little guy this kind of marketing expenditure can…

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Business Cards Are Your Best Investment

One item that is your best-spent money for the dollar is your business cards. They are the least expensive way to get your name out and get jobs. Make it a goal to hand out at least 10-20 cards a day to people you meet, or leave them wherever you go. True many will just…

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Where to find new business?

Good Morning and Welcome to a new month, June! I can not believe half of the year is almost gone. How many of you have been making the goals you set for this year? How many of you even set goals? Goals are a very important part of business. If you are spending all of…

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